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Service Bundles Deals

Full Service Treatment: $115

Haircut & Beard Treatment: $100

Haircut & Straight Razor Shave: $100

Haircut & Osage Treatment: $70

Haircut & Shampoo Treatment: $65

À la carte services

Haircut: $55

Beard Treatment: $55

Straight Razor Shave: $55

service details


Cutting with detail and careful consideration of your face shape, hair type, and growth patterns. Finishing with a hot towel, and hot lather straight-razor neck shave, then styled to desired look

Beard Treatment

Sculpting with detail for desired length and shape, lining up cheeks and neck with a straight-razor with an array of oils, lotions, hot and cold towels, and aftershave finish

Straight razor shave

Shaving with detail and procession, use of oils, lotions, hot and cold towels, and aftershave. Leaving a smooth, clean finish

Shampoo Treatment

Stimulating shampoo wash and cooling conditioning treatment with relaxing scalp massage

Osage Treament

Use of scalp brush to exfoliate scalp, followed by the Shampoo Treatment, finishing with application of Osage rub, electric scalp and neck massage, and hot towel

*this treatment is best for those who have a dry scalp due to seasonal dryness, want to promote healthy hair growth, or just want to feel extra pampered*